Thursday, April 12, 2012

PhET Interactive Simulations is a wonderful way to explain various scientific techniques. Fun, interactive, research-based simulations of physical phenomena from the PhET™ project at the University of Colorado. PhET provides fun, interactive, research-based simulations of physical phenomena for free! The website offers over 70 million simulations on areas such as Physics, Biology, Chemistry, Earth Science, and Math. Some example simulations cover subjects such as bending light, balancing chemical equations, building a molecule, gravity and orbits, and many, many more! To help students visually comprehend concepts, PhET simulations animate what is invisible to the eye through the use of graphics and intuitive controls with click-and-drag manipulation, sliders and radio buttons. And to further encourage quantitative exploration, the simulations also offer measurement instruments including rulers, stop-watches, voltmeters and thermometers. As the user manipulates these interactive tools, responses are immediately animated thus effectively illustrating cause-and-effect relationships as well as multiple linked representations (motion of the objects, graphs, number readouts, etc.) The Virtual Learning Academy is a sponsor for PhET simulations and we have a partnership where PhET simulations are now being embedded into the VLA curriculum! Check out their website to see for yourself all that PhET Interactive Simulations has to offer!

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