Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Summer Camp Options to Share with Parents

Arts and Humanities Summer Camps
Is your child creative? Does she like to paint or draw? Play music? Or maybe even compose music? Is your child interested in literature or philosophy? Those topics are among the many your child could focus on in one of these summer camps.
Math and Science Summer Camps
Some kids are more interested in math and science than they are with the arts and humanities. No problem! There are plenty of camps for them too. Kids can focus on math, science, and technology - including robotics and video game design!
Earth Science Summer Camps
Most people can easily imagine camps that would focus on the humanities, the arts, math, and science. But not everyone thinks about camps that focus on the environment and ecology. If your child loves learning and the Earth and its creatures, this kind of camp might be just the right thing.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Internet Field Trip, April 2013

Nine resources from around the web, originally shared on Twitter. Follow at:@ByrdseedGifted.

  1. Modern pictures of Paris paired with photos from the same spot 100 years ago
  2. Can you boomerang a football? Yes, if you’re 75 feet tall!
  3. Awesome thoughts about conversations with students
  4. 14 More Wonderful Words With No English Equivalent
  5. Pixar’s 22 Rules of Storytelling
  6. The 149 Rocks stuck in Chicago’s Tribune Tower (Thanks to Katie)
  7. Some wonderful LEGO insect creations!
  8. Awesome advice for our students from an astronaut, in comic form!
  9. A post-Easter treat: Peeps Diorama Contest winners