Monday, November 23, 2015

8 free iPad Apps

8 free iPad apps to encourage creativity in young learners

Encouraging expression and creativity has never been easier, in an age where mobile devices let us combine music, art, and learning with the touch (or is that a tap?) of a button.

Here are 8 free iPad apps that will encourage creativity in young learners. 

Good Resource!

We've come across a good resource for everyone...students, teachers, parents, and administrators. The website is called Cybraryman.  The website is 

If you have a few moments, check it out and see all it has to offer.

Have a great Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

6 Must-Have Apps for Teacher's Back-to-School Toolkit

6 Must-Have Apps for Teachers' Back-to-School Toolkit

Must-Have Apps

Common Sense Media’s service Graphite, which offers independent ratings and reviews of learning apps and websites, has compiled this list of apps to help teachers make their classrooms interactive, creative and productive in the new school year. For complete reviews, and for each app’s "Learning Rating," visit the Graphite website.

Grades: K–12
Price: Free
Concepts: Using and applying technology, identifying strengths and weaknesses, applying information
Nearpod is a terrific tool for interactive presentations and assessments. On Nearpod's website, teachers create their own multimedia presentations or use a growing library of premade offerings (many CCSS-aligned, and some at a cost). Teachers can upload videos, images, audio clips and PDF files and can embed multiple-choice quizzes, slide shows, polls, draw-its (where students write directly on a slide) and open-ended questions. Teachers launch the presentation and monitor progress either from the website or through the app. For situations in which direct instruction is necessary, Nearpod offers a fantastic way to increase student involvement. Read the full Graphite review.

Grades: 5–12
Price: Free
Concepts: Using and applying technology, deduction, identifying strengths and weaknesses, digital creation
eduCanon is a simple yet powerful tool that gives teachers the ability to enhance video lessons with interactive assessments. Its stripped-down interface provides an inroad for those who may not be experienced with digital media. At the same time, advanced options will please techie teachers who want to embed rich interactive content. In a flipped-class model, where it can be tough to know whether students have actually watched assigned videos before class, a tool like eduCanon could be the perfect solution. With useful features ranging from basic to advanced, eduCanon offers an interactive method of formative assessment by way of engaging video content. Read the full Graphite review.

Grades: 6–12
Price: $2.99
Concepts: Using and applying technology, deduction, applying information, digital creation
EdPuzzle allows teachers to customize, remix, crop and enhance existing online videos to match their teaching needs. Videos can be enriched with voiceovers and audio comments, as well as embedded assessment questions. EdPuzzle also supports an active community of teachers for sharing creations and finding inspiration. In the classroom, teachers can turn control over to their students, letting them find high-quality video instruction and customize it in a way that demonstrates their learning. By using videos already on the Web, EduCanon not only saves time, it engages students in self-paced, interactive learning while maintaining simplicity and ease of use for busy teachers. Read the full Graphite review.


Grades: 6–12
Price: $3.99
Concepts: Productivity, working efficiently, academic development, using and applying technology
Notability equips students to take notes that they'll want to review, revisit and actively use. On a single page of notes, students can type, write, draw, highlight, record audio and even insert Web content. By offering an array of recording and organization techniques, Notability pairs well with all different learning needs and note-taking preferences. It's also great for collaborative learning and group projects, as students can use it to brainstorm ideas and quickly share them with others. And it's useful for teachers, too. Overall, Notability's flexible, multimedia approach to note-taking makes it an invaluable classroom tool for both teachers and students. Read the full Graphite review.

KnowmiaKnowmia Teach
Grades: 6–12
Price: Free
Concepts: Conveying messages effectively, presenting, digital creation, using and applying technology
Knowmia Teach is a dynamic tool for capturing teacher- or student-created video presentations on an iPad. Users can create slides that include images, diagrams or text and then record themselves as they speak, use a pointer and otherwise walk viewers through their slides. Teachers can create video lessons on any subject and then publish them on, which features an active community for feedback and inspiration. Knowmia Teach not only saves teachers time, it gives them instant visibility into what students are learning — and not learning. The app is a great choice for iPad classrooms in need of a versatile screencasting tool with a secure online space for video-sharing. Read the full Graphite review.

CollaborizeCollaborize Classroom
Grades: 7–12
Price: Free
Concepts:  Discussion, forming arguments, brainstorming, asking questions, teamwork, academic development
Using a social media-like approach, Collaborize Classroom offers a secure online antidote to uninspired, disengaged classroom discussions. Teachers can post discussion questions and set specific response options like multiple choice, yes/no or poll-based. Multiple response options help all students feel empowered to participate during in-class discussions, regardless of their learning style. At the end of a discussion, teachers and students can review the results, and students can quickly see proof that their opinion matters. Collaborize Classroom offers an engaging, secure platform that complements in-class instruction and gives everyone a voice in classroom discussions. Read the full Graphite review.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

EVeryone needs a little help sometimes...with math here are some mobile apps for practice!

Gifted teachers,
Check out the following link for a slide show that shows 15 free mobile apps for math practice and improvement.  

15 Free Mobile Apps for math practice and improvement

We hope you are having a great summer! 

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Am I bragging now?

About Parenting had an interesting article about gifted children and how parents of these children are constantly accused of bragging about their kids.

Read below:

Am I Bragging Now?

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

FYI on Two Free Webinars that you can attend:

Join Us for Two Free Webinars this March

Barbara Myer


An Introduction to the William and Mary Units for High-Ability Learners
Thursday, March 26 | 4:00 – 5:00 p.m. EDT

The Center for Gifted Education at The College of William and Mary is known for its language arts, science, and social studies units for talented and gifted learners. Join us for an overview of the Center's exemplary curriculum frameworks, learn about three new language arts units, and explore the variety of ways that all units meet the needs of top-tier students at every grade level.

The webinar will be presented by Certified Gifted Specialist Barbara Myer, a frequent speaker at state and national gifted conferences, who will also share insights from her own experience as a classroom teacher of gifted students and as the Gifted and Talented Coordinator for the Allen, TX ISD.

Karen Reed


Addressing the Needs
of High-Ability Math Learners
in Grades 3-6
Tuesday, March 31 | 4:00 – 5:00 p.m. EDT

Learn how to motivate and challenge your mathematically talented learners with the award-winning Project M3: Mentoring Mathematical Minds, which emphasizes critical thinking, creative problem solving, reasoning, and mathematical communication through engaging investigations, projects and simulations.

Presenter Karen Reed, who serves as a Gifted and Talented Lead Teacher for South Carolina's Charleston County School District and works with Title One schools to ensure access for all high-ability learners, will discuss the program's two brand-new units and additional enhancements that ensure Common Core alignment and understanding of the Standards for Mathematical Practice.

For more information about
either webinar, contact
Barb Schoop at
1-800-542-6657, ext. 1051.

Follow Kendall Hunt on


4050 Westmark Drive | Dubuque, IA 52002

Kendall Hunt | Webinar | Gifted Education

Monday, February 9, 2015

Shel Silverstein - February 18, 2015 GERD Meeting -

Our February GERD Meeting will concentrate on the many works of a brilliant man named Shel Silverstein. We hope all our GERD members can attend! This will be a wonderful session!